Being a Good Communicator
Upon completing the first award, White, pupils:
- are learning to make good eye contact.
- are learning to use gesture to show wants and needs.
- are learning to use photos and symbols to request.
- are learning to recognise friends and familiar people.
- can smile at familiar people.
- are learning to engage in communication through a singing group.
Upon completing the second award, Red, pupils:
- can use tactile or symbol cues to anticipate a familiar event.
- can willingly participate in a small adult led activity.
- can imitate a simple gesture or sign.
- know how to use their PECS/communication symbols to gain what they want.
- can look for or approach a familiar adult.
- can make a choice from given objects.
Upon completing the third award, Orange, pupils:
- can sit as part of a group.
- can respond in circle time.
- can approach an adult independently and express their needs.
- can respond to instructions (e.g. give me.., get me..).
- can understand five words, signs or symbols.
- can join in with action songs.
Upon completing the fourth award, Yellow, pupils:
- can ask for help appropriately.
- can respond to their name.
- can follow 2 key word instructions.
- can communicate using 2 key words in an appropriate context.
- can answer a simple question in context.
- can indicate a preference.
Upon completing the fifth award, Green, pupils:
- can ask simple questions with support.
- can follow 3 key word instructions.
- can communicate using 3 key words in an appropriate context.
- can relate sounds to events or objects.
- can state what they are doing for their learning.
- can sit quietly and listen.
Upon completing the sixth award, Blue, pupils:
- can ask and answer questions in context with minimal support.
- can follow 4 key word instructions.
- can use phrases containing up to three key words.
- can listen and respond to information from a range of sources.
- can begin to evaluate their learning.
- can sit in one place and not wander off or leave their seat.
Upon completing the seventh award, Indigo, pupils:
- can say what is wrong without being aggressive.
- can check that somebody is ready to listen before they start talking to them.
- can contribute to a conversation without changing the subject.
- can wait and listen to a reply in a conversation.
- can be still when listening to someone talking to me.
- can look in the direction of the person who is speaking.
Upon completing the eighth award, Violet, pupils:
- can look in the direction of the person they are talking to.
- can remain still when speaking.
- can listen to what others say and respond appropriately.
- can talk to a teacher in a group.
- can talk to a group of their peers with adult support.
- can talk about matters of interest to individuals or groups.
Upon completing the ninth award, Bronze, pupils:
- can look at a person’s face when speaking and listening.
- can retell an experience.
- can explain to an adult why they are doing something.
- can ask questions and listen to the answer.
- can work with a peer to produce a simple role play dialogue.
- can use an appropriate voice for the situation.
Upon completing the tenth award, Silver, pupils:
- can listen carefully to the rest of the class (and not distract others).
- can speak in whole sentences.
- can listen to adult advice and not sulk or ignore it.
- can talk to adults appropriately.
- can say when something is wrong.
- are aware of how other people feel.
Upon completing the eleventh award, Gold, pupils:
- can listen and respond appropriately to the rest of the class.
- can speak independently in whole sentences.
- can listen and respond appropriately to adult advice.
- can talk to adults without the need of prompting.
- can talk to others and stay on the same topic of conversation.
- know when something is wrong and can offer help.