Being a Good Friend
Upon completing the first award, White, pupils:
- can observe other children.
- are learning to play alongside other children.
- are learning to use communal resources.
- are learning to respond to another person’s emotions.
- are learning to be kind and gentle.
- are learning to take turns with a visual timer.
Upon completing the second award, Red, pupils:
- can play a simple co-operative game with an adult.
- can engage in a parallel activity with several others.
- can share communal resources with support.
- can copy an adult’s action or gesture in a game.
- can smile at or approach familiar people.
- can use kind hands when sitting next to a friend.
Upon completing the third award, Orange, pupils:
- can react to other children's emotions.
- can look at the person who is talking to me.
- can take turns in a game with adult support.
- can play alongside other children and not upset them or get upset.
- can recognise a photo of their friends.
- are beginning to say sorry with support.
Upon completing the fourth award, Yellow, pupils:
- can take turns appropriately with decreasing support.
- can share equipment with decreasing support.
- can work and play collaboratively with others with decreasing support.
- know the names of their friends.
- can respond when a friend needs their help with decreasing support.
- can be kind to others.
Upon completing the fifth award, Green, pupils:
- can take turns appropriately.
- can show concern for others.
- can co-operate with a peer for a short time without support.
- can show awareness between right and wrong.
- can respond appropriately to others in group situations.
- can focus on an adult led activity and respond to others at playtime.
Upon completing the sixth award, Blue, pupils:
- can take turns when working with a partner or small group.
- can show they are listening to their peers by their actions.
- can show some consideration towards the needs of others and living things.
- can ask a peer if they would like to join me in a game.
- can share equipment and interact with others.
- can work with a peer to get out or put away equipment.
Upon completing the seventh award, Indigo, pupils:
- can help their peers in making the right choices.
- can praise their peers when they do something well.
- can show an awareness of how to join in with peers.
- can be aware that other people need personal space.
- can ask a peer to use or share an object.
- can show appreciation of other children's work.
Upon completing the eighth award, Violet, pupils:
- can invite a friend to play with them.
- can let other people chose the game or activity.
- can share toys and equipment with a friend.
- can wait and take their turn.
- can play a game co-operatively with one other child.
- can compliment a friend (possession, attainment, personality or achievement).
Upon completing the ninth award, Bronze, pupils:
- can share materials with others so that everyone can do the task required.
- can discuss their own and others interests and hobbies.
- can be a good team player and loser.
- can recognise kind and unkind behaviour.
- can identify appropriate ways of greeting people and saying goodbye.
- can tell an adult when someone is hurt, upset or needs help.
Upon completing the tenth award, Silver, pupils:
- can play with different people and still be friends with others.
- are able to allow anyone to join in their games.
- are a good role model because of their behaviour.
- can share equipment with anyone.
- are happy to celebrate the achievements of others.
- are willing to help others.
Upon completing the eleventh award, Gold, pupils:
- can offer to play with different people.
- can organise games which include everyone.
- can take on a job (school councillor, stacking chairs).
- can encourage others to join in.
- can accept losing and celebrate the successes of others.
- can recognise others feelings and act appropriately.