Being Healthy
Upon completing the first award, White, pupils:
- are learning to accept an adult washing their hands.
- are learning to try and explore new foods.
- are learning to accept an adult’s support to be changed and use the toilet.
- are learning to sit on the toilet for the count of 20 (and not put their hands down the toilet).
- are learning to join in with physical activities.
- are learning to engage with songs that teach routine.
Upon completing the second award, Red, pupils:
- can wash their hands after the toilet, before dinner etc.
- can indicate to an adult when they need to be changed.
- can take part in physical activities at playtimes e.g. dance club.
- can sign / give symbols for their needs e.g. hungry, thirsty, unwell.
- can taste, touch and smell new or different foods.
- can accept an adult brushing their teeth.
Upon completing the third award, Orange, pupils:
- can wash their own hands and brush their teeth.
- are beginning to understand which foods are healthy.
- can begin to accept help when they are hurt.
- can actively engage when using play equipment.
- can drink 1 cup of water a day at school.
- can complete up to 5 minutes aqua-aerobics in the pool.
Upon completing the fourth award, Yellow, pupils:
- are willing to try new foods.
- eat a variety of foods and snacks at school.
- drink 3 cups of water at school a day.
- can participate in physical play in the playground.
- can move independently in the water.
- know that some foods are healthy and some are not.
Upon completing the fifth award, Green, pupils:
- can try different food at dinner and snack times.
- can sort a variety of healthy food from unhealthy.
- can indicate to adults when they are hungry or thirsty.
- can join in with physical play indoors and outdoors.
- can use buoyancy aids to help me move about in the water.
- can indicate the correct clothing to be worn in different weather.
Upon completing the sixth award, Blue, pupils:
- can show when their nose needs wiping or blowing.
- can take part in physical exercise without complaining.
- are prepared to try a range of healthy foods.
- are beginning to move with decreasing reliance on buoyancy aids in the pool.
- are able to wear clothing appropriate to the weather or temperature.
- are beginning to accept that they need to go to bed at a certain time.
Upon completing the seventh award, Indigo, pupils:
- can try healthy foods.
- can wash their hands without prompting.
- can clean their teeth carefully.
- know that exercise makes their body healthy.
- can follow instructions to bath or shower.
- can identify when they feel happy, sad, pleased or cross.
Upon completing the eighth award, Violet, pupils:
- can select healthy foods.
- can do 10,000 steps per day (using pedometer around school).
- can brush their teeth properly for 2 minutes per day.
- can keep myself clean.
- can wash their hands before eating, after visiting the toilet etc.
- can identify what has made me feel happy, sad, pleased or cross.
Upon completing the ninth award, Bronze, pupils:
- can identify what will happen to their teeth if they don’t keep them clean.
- can identify what will happen to their skin if they don’t protect it from the sun.
- can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.
- understand why it is important to keep their body and their clothes clean.
- understand the benefits of physical exercise and are keen to take part.
- understand the need to get sufficient and regular sleep.
Upon completing the tenth award, Silver, pupils:
- can drink water at break and lunch and are cooperative when asked to do this.
- are active at break times and don’t just stand or sit around.
- are able to eat a healthy lunch (not too many carbs, eat savoury first etc.).
- can make a healthy choice at lunch time and will try new fruit.
- are active at home and play on other things than the computer.
- are able to wash myself (bath / shower).
Upon completing the eleventh award, Gold, pupils:
- know when they need a drink.
- know when they need to use tissues.
- know to put their hand over their mouth when they are coughing / sneezing.
- are aware of what they eat and try to have a balanced diet.
- are willing to try new healthy foods.
- understand why it is important to be healthy.